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Tere Here's Poker Journey

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  tere here, Apr 14 2007

Poker sir is a prison. It is this thing that manifests itself onto your mind beyond all repair. And you think about the bankroll 24/7. You talk about it 24/7 with your friends. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh It takes over your life. What you doing this week? hmmm I think I'll play poker, nothing else is happening...What you doing tonight? hmmm homework or it is!

I sir AM BUSTO. and I am VERY VERY HAPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! I don't know how I managed to go from 50NL to 200NL in 4 months (Sept - January.) It was an amazing run. I went steadily uphill from 1k - 9.7k. Hot damn It was amazing. Everyday I would look at Capaeneo or see him post graphs in HHs, (he happened to be at same stakes at that time), and think to myself holy shit! this guy variances like crazy! he must really suck!....Meanwhile I would steadily rise....

Fastforward 4 months and now Capaeneo has moved up to between 400 and 600NL! Meanwhile I hit 200NL and began experiencing the rollercoaster ride that tells you you are no longer a winning player!

9.7K...dropped to 1.5K...back up to 6k...down to 5k...back up to 6k...down to 2k up to 3k...down to 2.5k. And that my friends is where the story ends...

The feeling of losing is just too much. Someone I read in a blog here? had trouble at 10NL because because they would hit it and had lost at it 5 times he hit that stake...

That man works HARD...I sir, am giving up and it feels great...

I want to say to everyone that this is a positive entry.

I think its a shame I wont get to meet most of oyu as a result of me no longer ever playing poker.

However I wish the absolute best to all of you. It seems that I have outgrown this fad and it is time to move on. It seems Like it is time to accept defeat and move on.


PEACE OUT ALL OF YOU! is no longer gonna be my favourite page which is sad but GOod and HAPPY at the same time!

Good Night SIRZ

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Its harder than it looks...
  tere here, Apr 09 2007

Today I pretty much failed my tax exam (in my standards). Im praying by some rediculous stroke of luck that I get a B in the exam. But in reality I'm more in the 50-69 range...

So when it was done I was so relieved I went and smoked the cronz at some guys house. Watever, came home about an hour ago and played a session high.

I made some rediculous plays by putting people on ranges. However when I was wrong it cost me alot. I started off jumping up 1 buyins then losingit all slowly. I made a few horrible plays but much less than the times before. Also gotta say the bad beats are a mofo...

Here are some interesting hands that came up...

Aj vs shortstack callin the 3 bet preflop...i dunt know what i wuda done without the A on flop though[url]

[url=]AJ vs straight Made a bad read

KK miniraised on turn forgot to all in [url] I missed a chance to push turn thinking I went up against something stronger...I forgot to push all in like I usually intend to

[url=]AA 3 barreled shorty all in

QJ vs KT bad read

4 cards to a straight call a bluff only to TIE pot...

AK misses flop after strong reraise...eek expensive

this time KK misses flop after strong reraise...also expensive

Double barrelled the wrong guy

lowest pair

[hand=] 99 get screwed on river[/url]

Ah5h gets me in trouble

[url=] also did this to me[url]

Im gettin bored so I'll maybe post some more later. All in all a less than stellar day...

**next time I think I'm only gonna post interesting sessions where I learn somethign

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Gusto or Busto
  tere here, Apr 08 2007

Im going for the gusto or Im going to go busto.

First thanks Twistedecho for analyzing my hands and Talentedtom who I talked to on msn...Thanks to Johnny Cosmo for trying to help me out by gettin me on ventrilo...
Thanks to the random comments such as Soah mentioning how I'm too results oriented. That is definitely true and I am hoping to work on that.

So I guess Im going to try and give back what I know when I play this game and what I learn from talking to people. In this way I want to give back what I learn and not selfishly keep it to myself.

Okay so my conversation with Tom had a few underlying themes. Bet for value and Play based on ranges.

Too often I would put the guy on a specific hand, only to realize that i gave him too much credit and his range was much wider, thus losing value. Or I would put him on the wrong hand and not give him enough credit and end up losing an entire buyin. When you put people on ranges, you become more confident with your calls and you are less scared because you know in the long run, a call against that player in that situation is a +EV situation, or you know that a bet against that player in that situation is +EV.

From what I gathered in terms of poker THEORY with my talk with Tom is I realized that I know nothing about poker THEORY. Ive played poker tons but never actually read a book. I dont know the theory and although Tom did not even say the word Theory once, I realized that it does exist. Sort of like when you study a subject in university you think what the hell am I doing here this has no real life application, what you dont realize is that by just doing the real life applications you become like a machine, uncapable to adapt to different situations.

In the past I would just raise like crazy and then when I have a hand raise some more like crazy. I just assumed I would get money by playing crazy then hitting a hand and playin that even more crazy.

I understand image, protecting your hands, abc poker, tag and lag etc. But I never thought in terms of value. For example, when you reraise preflop with KK to a certain number, in the long run, doing such a move will make you +EV even when you find yourself sure your up against a set. In otherwords raising to a certain number makes it OKAY for you to call an all in against somebodies set. (Obv, you must see board texture and whether you have EQUITY against a board like that or not.) But in long run, a person hits a set 1 in 12 times and raisin to that number preflop is the equivalent of multiplying it 11 times and then losing 1 buyin. If the 11x that number is greater than the 1 buyin then you are winnin $ in long run. (Again you can get even greater EV by checking out your equity)

Equity means what hands will go all in on a given board that you have crushed. A board like Q29 and you holding AA is a good DRY board because if your going all in or you get called multiple streets, then most likely you are up against a DRAW (JT) AQ, KQ, QJ 22 99 or QQ. The likely hood of him having 22, 99 or QQ is much lower than the likelyhood of the guy having hit the Q.

On a board of JT7 holding KK you have very little equity. You are either crushed by better hands or you are marginally better vs draws such as J9 or KQ. The only hand that you might have crushed is QQ and thus this type of board has very little equity while holding KK.

In any case equity is a good thing to learn, notice and apply while in the game.

I just finished reading Twistedechos comments on my last session and the theme I seem to gather from him is that I should bet stronger, as much as potting the flop and turns. When I have good hands I shoudl think about stack sizes and how to get it all in.

I usually bet the amonut I do because I give ppl credit for the ability to fold out strong holdings when I bet too strong. However I think I will give this betting 'theory' a try.

Here are a few hands I had recently that I thought were better because I put people on ranges. I will try Twistedecho's advice next session and see how that goes

199 vs 68 Td8dX flop

2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">77 vs AQ reraised preflop

3" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Flopped straight, Turn 2 ppl go all in with bigger straight possible

In hindsight this may be an easy call. When I saw Offishtix call I was thinking god I'm going up against KQ. Then I sat back and asked myself what his range was. The first guy I put on the range including a set and KQ but there were probably many hands I beat of his. Offishstix himself could have 2 pair or a bunch of other holdings so it made the call much easier when I put him on a range. Looking at hands Specifically, it appears the only hand to call an all in with nothing invested would be KQ...but when you put it into ranges it gets easier...i dont think it was an easy call nonetheless

4Second pair vs shortstack I think this guy being a shortstack made the call that much easier, but also I think putting him on a range of missed draw made it also much easier. Given my turn call I know KX bets again and it was possibly in his range but a short stack would more likely vbet his top pair in my opinion. SO i called

Anyways I am wasting time posting this and I really have to study so I will see you guys next time!

(Probably will be playin less poker this week due to 4 exams in 5 days)

Good luck all!

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